A Centre for Restorative Community

People, like plants, may grow roots, deep roots – being connected to the place they live in myriad of ways, on many levels. This sentence may sound crazy in today’s world of disconnection, incessant travel and mobility of those of us living in the affluent part of the world. No wonder we simply forgot that our deepest roots are in nature. But, no matter who we are, where we live, or what kind of life we lead, we remain irrevocably linked with the web of life around us.

This project is putting this simple truth in the center. We need to start growing deep roots – learning about the place we live and we die, both in rational and intimate way.

We want to reconnect – with the Earth, with deeper self and with others. We want to emulate roots, gripping tightly into the Earth, serving as anchors, forming symbiotic union with the soil, drawing from her various nutrients and water and giving back. We think that being “sustainable” is not enough anymore – we need to move beyond this misused concept, to embark on the adventure of regeneration, both of ourselves and the nature around us.

We recognize that climate crisis and its consequence is a huge, terrifying and growing predicament – something we need to learn to live with. We acknowledge it’s impossible to escape it, therefore we have chosen

the place, this land which have many advantages for the coming times, and we want to call it ‘home’ – pledging our commitment and making it as much resilient to future challenges as humanly possible. Again, “storms make trees take deeper roots” – we want human and non-human members of this place to be able to develop deep roots and to withstand storms together, while learning from each other and celebrating together.We call on others willing to commit to grow roots with us and navigate together through these hotter and uncertain times, with imagination, humour and courage. Read here to find out more about our search for other families joining our adventures.

And just as we have changed before, we can change again. After listening to the great farmer-poet Wendell Berry deliver a lecture on how we each have a duty to love our “homeplace” more than any other, I asked him if he had any advice for rootless people like me and my friends, who live in our computers and always seem to be shopping for a home. “Stop somewhere,” he replied. “And begin the thousand-year-long process of knowing that place.” Naomi Klein, “This changes everything”



The short story of Deep Roots being uprooted After years of search, in several countries…


The short story of Deep Roots being uprooted After years of search, in several countries…

Fundacja Eko-Regeneracja

Fundacja Eko-Regeneracja

Foundation for Ecological Regeneration Głównym celem Fundacji jest promocja i kreacja wiedzy oraz postaw służących…

Fundacja Eko-Regeneracja

Foundation for Ecological Regeneration Głównym celem Fundacji jest promocja i kreacja wiedzy oraz postaw służących…

Water Retention Techniques

Water retention techniques

We'd like this site to become a rich source of information with regards to water…

Water retention techniques

We'd like this site to become a rich source of information with regards to water…
