Tree Nursery & Forest Plantation

We established a tree nursery and planted a forest of 1000 forest tree species with children in 2018. The project is called Kids4Forests and it aims to become a seed of a bigger movement, with a vision of getting schools systematically involved in reforesting degraded areas with mixed tree species in Central Europe.

We organized a three-day camp with the aim to teach children about the role of trees and how to plant a forest. This was the first Kids4Forests project’s planting, in which more than hundred children reforested an area of 0.6ha with 1000 tree seedlings. Watch our short FILM about this event.

We also created a short practical manual for kindergarten and school teachers who are interested to set a school-based tree nursery with children. It is based on our practical experience with setting up our own with help from the Visegrad Fund. It short, easy-read, step-by-step manual in how to set up and manage a tree nursery with kids. You can download the Booklet for free.

You can find more information about this project here.